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  • なぜダイレクト予約ですか?
  • ビーチサイドのオーシャン・レストランで毎日の朝食を提供
  • ハーフボード食事プランの場合、オーシャン・レストランで毎日の夕食と、その他のレストランでのお一人様1泊65 USDのディナークレジットを提供(食事のみ)
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  • グループのサンライズヨガが無料で参加可能
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Milaidhoo only accommodates children over the age of 9

Beautiful Bluestripe Snappers at the House Reef

Aug 11, 2018 Ocean Stories

This beautiful school of bluestripe snappers are permanent residents of the Milaidhoo house reef and can easily be spotted during a relaxed snorkel just a few metres from the beach. The [common] bluestripe snapper, bluestripe sea perch or blue-line snapper, Lutjanus kasmira, is a species of snapper native to the Indian Ocean

They usually swim in large schools, or groups, around the reef, caves, and even shipwrecks. During the day, they can be spotted swimming near the edges of the reef. At night they move away from the reef and look for food in soft, sandy areas.

Fun fact: When it’s time to mate, they sometimes dance in circles with their partners towards the surface of the water.

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