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  • なぜダイレクト予約ですか?
  • ビーチサイドのオーシャン・レストランで毎日の朝食を提供
  • ハーフボード食事プランの場合、オーシャン・レストランで毎日の夕食と、その他のレストランでのお一人様1泊65 USDのディナークレジットを提供(食事のみ)
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  • 24時間の専属のアイランド・ホスト・サービス
  • グループのサンライズヨガが無料で参加可能
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  • ご滞在中のシュノーケリング道具が無料で利用可能

Milaidhoo only accommodates children over the age of 9

Fluo night snorkelling – When the reef turns into a disco ball

Apr 29, 2019 Marine Biology

Once the sun has set behind the horizon and darkness starts to fill the sky, the vibrant and colourful marine activity that enlivens our coral reefs during the day is slowly replaced by nocturnal and cryptic reef-dwelling creatures. Fluorescent night snorkelling and diving are perfect opportunities to discover this dark and dull world under a brand new light.

Incredibly, some marine creatures have the ability to re-emit light with a longer wavelength when exposed to blue light. In other words, they react by producing bio-fluorescence.

The reason why some sea life does this is still not completely understood. There are many theories about it, such as fluorescence serving as a form of sun block. However, it may have a role in reproduction being used to attract a mate or it can perhaps be involved in inter-species communication. Even if the purpose of bio-fluorescence still needs to be clarified, it is unquestionable that it always creates a fascinating spectacle.

Thanks to a blue light and a special filter mask, divers are be able to view this  magical and psychedelic underwater world full of fluorescent corals, anemones, fish and plenty of other marine creatures.

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