Start writing your Milaidhoo Story
  • Warum direkt buchen?
  • Tägliches Frühstück im Ocean Restaurant am Strand
  • Bei Halbpension, tägliches Abendessen im Ocean Restaurant und USD 65 pro Person, pro Nacht Dinner-Guthaben (nur Speisen) in den anderen Restaurants.
  • Eine Flasche Champagner und Früchte in Ihrer Villa bei Ankunft
  • Früher Check-in und später Check-out - je nach Verfügbarkeit
  • Persönlicher Island Host service, 24/7
  • Kostenfreies Sonnenaufgangs-Yoga in der Gruppe
  • Kostenfreie nicht-motorisierte Wassersportarten
  • Kostenfreie Schnorchelausrüstung während des Aufenthaltes

Milaidhoo only accommodates children over the age of 9

We know the secret to great coffee

Jan 05, 2017 Notes from a Chef

For coffee lovers, it’s been a great week at Milaidhoo. Fritz Storm, ex-world champion barista and all-round coffee superstar, spent some time with us training the Milaidhoo family members in the art of perfect coffee. He also took time out of his busy schedule to speak to our guests about all things coffee.

Thanks to Fritz Storm’s visit, here at Milaidhoo, the coffee is always great. Do you want to know how to ensure your life is filled with great coffee? We asked him what three things anyone can do to ensure better coffee in their lives and he told us:

  • always buy fresh coffee beans
  • always ensure your coffee has been freshly roasted
  • always grind your coffee freshly

How to do this? He suggests you check out locally roasted coffees from an artisan coffee roastery. If that’s not an option, don’t buy pre-ground coffee; instead, always grind your own beans. He also suggests that when you’re buying coffee beans, don’t buy the shiny beans because this means that they’ve probably been over-roasted and all the valuable oils are gone.

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